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Social partnership

Art gifts from Africa

Xpol proudly works with Afrikado; a marketing brand which cooperates in close partnership with foundations in Kenya. These foundations help people with a disability in the different countries and communities by creating African Handcraft Art and gimmicks.

The employees are provided with training, education and jobs. This creates stability and is a motivation step for them building their future. In the video on this page Minalyn Nicklin explains more.

Creating possibilities

The Afrikado story starts in 2011 with the wish to bring creative and affordable African hand made products to a large group of consumers in Europe on a commercial basis. In this way we create business, share prosperity and know how. We believe that this is how global business should work: based on mutual growth, trust and development. We are proud to see that more and more African gifts are finding their way to European stores.

Social cooperation

Through this cooperation new opportunities are created to invest and improve life for all of us. The employees at Afrikado often start from less convenient circumstances and are provided with training, education and jobs. Buying Afrikado products not only means buying cool African art gifts, but also helps changing lives.

See Afrikado website